4 november 2011

Day 2, La Ruta

Okey, let's talk about today. We climbed, and climbed and climbed and we climbed. But let's talk about the downhill first. It's like a bobcourse, all curves are banked (or not all) and your drifting out because it's so slippery. Speed is defenetley safty, ofcourse this is easier if you have air in your tiers. Yes, I got a flat tier again, or it was leaking. Here you turn in your bike to mekanics, expext to get it back in full race ready shape but not. Front tier is leaking and the gears was far away from perfect. However, reded singeltrack cowerd buy one inche of red mud following ridgelines and steep old roads. The way they build road in this contry is extraordinary, places you would never think you could put up a road. Some guys I been riding with from Fox Racing (they make shocks from bikes and more) said it's like riding a red mud waterfall. Just let it go because breaking won't help. Ofcourse, to enjoy this downhills, you have to earn it. I have never been riding hills this steep, 30 degree as steepest and now we are talking uphill. This can not be explained, I got people trying to explain for me how this is and I thought I understand. But no, I saw some do this on their bikes but most of us, including me, walked. I heard from some experinced racers that been doing this for some years that this day, today, the new day two that has never been done before was by far their tuffest and hardest experience from La Ruta ever! And I can confirm that, it was really tuff today, same amount of uphill like yesterday but on a shorter distance. We all finished again even this hard circumstances. I crossed the finish line on 6 h & 45 min, Steven about one hour later and Dan 30 min after Steven. Something like that.

This is how dirty the bikes are when we finish. Look at the mud scale in my last inlay to pic what short of mud it is! =)

Dan crossing the finish line, day 2, La Ruta. 

Start day 2, 06.00 am, Sun just get's up! 

I'm reaching CP 3, Some new energy and pump up thoes tiers and away you go!

Steven with his Dad (Brad) at Cp 3, loading up with some fresch energy to!

1 kommentar:

  1. Sounds like you can borrow the name of my running team "In Mud We Trust" : ).
